“I founded the American Idea Foundation to make that connection between local organizations who are fighting on the front-lines to improve our communities; academics and researchers who can validate and add intellectual heft to these successes; and policymakers who have the capacity to scale evidence-based solutions. We have these amazing community leaders and policy entrepreneurs making huge differences in America, so let’s link them with academics and legislators so we can figure out what works and build solutions from the ground-up with evidence and data. This is how we can expand opportunities and the American Dream.”
Former Speaker Paul Ryan
Brigid’s Path
Corner to Corner promoting entrepreneurship & economic opportunities in Nashville, TN
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The American Idea Foundation is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization founded on the simple, but profound premise that the condition of your birth should not determine the outcome of your life. The American Idea Foundation believes that every American deserves the opportunity to achieve their version of the American dream and to achieve that end, the American Idea Foundation will educate audiences about policy issues and ideas pertaining to: increasing economic opportunities, expanding upward mobility, reducing poverty, and using evidence and data to inform policy decisions.