Janesville, WI – This morning, the American Idea Foundation, a non-profit organization headed by former Speaker of the House Paul Ryan released a video entitled: Lessons from the Frontlines of South Carolina. The video highlights the transformative work being done by a Nurse-Family Partnership in Manning, South Carolina and by job-creators and community leaders in an Opportunity Zone in Charleston, South Carolina.
WATCH: Lessons from the Frontlines of South Carolina
As the video shows and as Speaker Ryan heard firsthand, the Nurse-Family Partnership is an evidence-based program that is transforming lives and improving outcomes. It is making a difference, helping mothers, their children, and entire communities.
Later that day, Ryan was joined by Senator Tim Scott and Representatives Ralph Norman and Joe Wilson for a roundtable discussion with community leaders in an Opportunity Zone in Charleston, South Carolina to learn about efforts to expand economic opportunities. A summary of the site visits is accessible here.
Founded by Ryan in 2019, the American Idea Foundation works at the intersection of grassroots, community-driven efforts to reduce poverty and national policymakers who can implement change. The Foundation takes an evidence-based approach to identifying real-world initiatives that are achieving results, arming policymakers with the information they need to improve the efforts of the federal government, and linking practitioners with elected officials to replicate those success stories in other communities in need.
For more information about the Foundation, please visit: https://americanideafo.wpengine.com/. ###