By: AIF Staff
Janesville, WI – This morning, former Speaker of the House Paul Ryan unveiled the Connect2Impact clearinghouse, a tool for social service providers, caseworkers, and families to use when seeking out evidence-based programs and strategies.
The clearinghouse is user-designed, created in consultation with on-the-ground practitioners in communities across the country, and serves to make information on data-supported poverty-fighting programs more widely available and accessible. As a starting point, the Connect2Impact clearinghouse focused on aggregating programs in the child and family welfare space, recognizing the acute impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on the more vulnerable elements of our population.
In announcing the Connect2Impact clearinghouse, Speaker Ryan said:
“This clearinghouse was designed to connect users with impactful programs that are supported by evidence and data. There is an information gap and an evidence gap when it comes to fighting poverty, particularly in the child and family welfare space, and the clearinghouse aims to address these gaps head-on. This tool will spread awareness about programs demonstrated to have a positive impact and will make evidence-based strategies more widely accessible to those seeking help.
“I’m hopeful that practitioners will use this clearinghouse to help children lead better, happier, and healthier lives and I am looking forward to building out the site for other policy areas. Tools like Connect2Impact show that aggregating evidence-based solutions, elevating them, and making them accessible is critical to helping more Americans pursue their full potential.”
A panel discussion about the Connect2Impact clearinghouse with Speaker Ryan and strategic partners from the Sorenson Impact Center, Stand Together, and Notre Dame’s Laboratory for Economic Opportunities is accessible here.
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